JAKARTA - Turkish pioneering scientist Canan Daugdeviren has succeeded in creating an ultrasound scanner that can be worn and detect breast cancer, without having to visit the hospital.
The recent discovery of Dactiondeviren helped women to put this tool into their bras, with the aim that patients at high risk of developing cancer could monitor themselves.
"We are changing the form of ultrasound technology so that it can be used in your home. This tool is portable and easy to use, and provides real-time and easy-to-use breast tissue monitoring," Da totaled.
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) scientist was inspired by his late aunt, who died within six months of being diagnosed with breast cancer, although he routinely underwent examination.
Datamadeviren himself is known for his breakthrough work in medical technology that can be worn by humans.
اقرأ أيضا:
Some of the most prominent discoveries of Da firedeviren are wearable pacemakers and machines that can diagnose skin cancer within 10 seconds. These tools are attached to the skin such as tattoos and give results in less than 10 seconds.
He is also the first Turkish scientist to be elected a member of Harvard Young Academy.
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