
JAKARTA - The heroic action of a student of SMA Negeri 9 North Gorontalo, Riski Lamato, managed to save the rope at the broken flagpole during the RI's Independence Day (HUT) ceremony to 78th level of East Sumalata District. East Sumatala District North Gorontalo Province, Gorontalo Nurhayati Wunati in Gorontalo, Thursday, August 17, said he did not expect Riski to be called to carry out this heroic action. "Incidentally, when the flag rope broke, it was suspected that it was due to the pull of the dredge-up officer who was too hard, Riski was in the ranks of high school (SMA) students as a participant in the flag-raising ceremony," said Nurhayati. When the flag rope broke at around 09.50 WITA, the participants of the ceremony were silent seeing this incident. But suddenly it was shocked by the action of Riski who ran and was desperate to climb the flagpole as high as 14 meters. "Riski suddenly ran towards the flagpole and then climbed to connect the broken rope. This reckless action was very heroic. We were moved to see it," said the East Sumatala sub-district head. Riski Lamato admitted that he was called to climb the flagpole. "The teacher who was in the line had asked the students to help. Incidentally I was in the line spontaneously running to climb the flagpole," said Riski, quoted by Antara.

Ia mengatakan tidak memikirkan risiko apapun saat memanjat tiang setinggi 14 meter itu. "Yang ada di pikiran agar cepat berlari, memanjat, dan menyambung tali. Kemudian saya langsung turun agar bendera bisa segera berkibar," ungkap Riski.Ia mengaku bahagia dan tidak berharap apapun. "Saya cuma ingin melihat bendera berkibar di upacara ini," kata Riski.Sekretaris Bidang Kelautan dan Perikanan Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) I KNPI Gorontalo Utara Poniran Kai mengatakan aksi Riski patut diapresiasi. Ia mampu mempertaruhkan risiko agar Bendera merah putih dapat berkibar di angkasa Sumalata Timur."Kami dari KNPI mengapresiasi keberanian Riski mengingat tiang bendera itu setinggi 14 meter. Namun Riski mampu berlari sekuat tenaga memanjat secepat mungkin untuk bisa menyambung tali yang putus," katanya.Riski, kata Poniran, adalah sosok pelajar yang paham tentang nilai-nilai kemerdekaan yang sedang diperingati. "Kami dari KNPI sangat terharu sekaligus bangga dengan aksi yang dilakukan Riski. Aksi heroik yang menunjukkan nilai nilai patriotisme yang patut diteladani generasi muda saat ini," katanya.Upacara bendera di Kecamatan Sumalata Timur dimulai pukul 09.45 WITA dan diikuticamat dan jajaran, anggota Komisi III DPRD Kabupaten Wisye Pangemanan, unsur TNI/Polri, para kepala desa, tenaga pendidik, para Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN), KNPI kabupaten/kecamatan, serta para penyelenggara pemilu kecamatan dan desa.

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