
WEST PAPUA - Acting Governor of West Papua Paulus Waterpauw said the performance of the head of regional apparatus organizations (OPD) in West Papua was evaluated periodically in order to carry out tasks according to public expectations.

"Some time ago it has been evaluated, and the evaluation continues because the community needs the work of the government," said Paulus in Manokwari, Papua, Monday, August 14, which was confiscated by Antara.

He reminded the OPD leadership not to spend the budget by traveling outside the region, but to pay attention to the needs of the community through program implementation.

This is a follow-up to President Joko Widodo's direction when holding a meeting with governors and regents/mayors throughout Indonesia in Jakarta.

"President Jokowi has reminded me not to play with the budget. If they (OPD leaders) play games, I also play with the rule of law," he said.

According to him, the central government has disbursed many budgets to West Papua, but the implementation of development programs has not run optimally according to the expectations of the entire community.

Therefore, the implementation of performance-based evaluations for all OPD leaders is a strategic step in improving budget governance in order to achieve community welfare.

"I am the representative of the central government in the regions. If the OPD leadership is incompetent, it will be replaced. We have rotated some, and there is a positive impact," said Paulus.

The governor explained that local government policies, which are formulated through work programs during one fiscal year, must accommodate all community needs.

For this reason, OPD leaders are required to make a working visit to the field to find out directly the social issues of people throughout West Papua.

"Go down to the villages so that they can shop for problems. The government program must be in favor of the community," he said.

He said the position held by government officials was not a permanent position belonging to individuals, but a belief from the state and society.

Thus, the performance of every OPD leader within the scope of the provincial government must be evaluated in order to measure the success of carrying out the task of serving as a public servant.

"The logic should not be reversed. Prioritize the interests of the community, because there are many things that need to be resolved," said Paulus Waterpauw.

He said the implementation of the rotation of positions led by the OPD must obtain approval from the Ministry of Home Affairs, the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN), and the State Civil Service Agency (BKN).

The rotation is based on recommendations issued by the provincial government selection team consisting of internal government and external parties such as academics.

"So that the results of the evaluation are objective, and of course the selection team will continue to consult with me as regional head," said Paulus.

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