A presidential candidate Anies Baswedan explained the concept of social welfare for the community in front of the kiai who attended the Qur'an and Tirakat Khahaman events at the At-Tauhid Islamic Boarding School, Jagir Sidoresmo II, Wonokromo, Surabaya, East Java.
"We realize that people's welfare cannot automatically happen, it must be planned and placed as a priority," said Anies at the At-Tahid Islamic Boarding School in Surabaya as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, August 10.
The first aspect that is able to create social welfare, he said, is based on the formation of an equitable system and the quality of directed education, including in Islamic boarding schools.
"Kai, teachers in Islamic boarding schools can concentrate on their education. The government can help related to their resources and their facilities so that Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia can run well," he said.
According to Anies, with a quality and directed education system, it will have an impact on other sectors such as economy and health.
He gave an example in the economic sector and also talked about the stabilization of food prices. Therefore, to make that happen, it is necessary for competent and innovative people in various fields such as agriculture, plantations, fisheries, and livestock.
"Our priority is how the prices of basic necessities can be affordable," he said.
The economic sector also refers to the availability of broad job opportunities for the community. That way, said Anies, the poverty rate can be reduced.
"The job field is also a priority. Alhamdulillah, with this gathering, we can establish and get directions," he said.
اقرأ أيضا:
In addition to the economy, he continued, the aspect of education has an important role in increasing access to ease of service in every health facility.
"If people are sick, they must get services to completion. We know that currently the problems faced by the community when they are sick are costs, and they can fall into poverty when they are sick," he said.
Anies stated that he is ready to realize four things in an effort to provide social welfare for the community and all ulama in Indonesia.
"We hope for prayers, blessings, and support to fight for the real change," he said.
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