
PONTIANAK - The Indonesian Pamtas Task Force-Mly Yonarmed 16/Tumbak Kaputing again thwarted the smuggling of suspected 10 kilograms of methamphetamine in Gunabanir Hamlet, Sungai Tekam Kecamatam Sekayam, Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan. "This failure was carried out just before last Sunday morning, where our members at Gunabanir Post managed to thwart an attempt to smuggle methamphetamine," said the Commander of the Indonesian-Malaysia Pamtas Task Force (Dansatgas) Yonarmed 16/TK Major Arm Andreas Prabowo Putro at Mako Kotis Entikong, Antara, Monday, August 7th. Andreas explained that the attempt to thwart the smuggling of methamphetamine was successfully carried out by members of the Pamtas Yonarmed 16/TK Task Force at the Gunabanir Post led by Serka Ardhita Nico as Danpos and five members, namely Kopda Soud, Praka Khaerudin, Pratu Benny, Prada Shadad and Prada Dwi Nurhuda. "Not only our members together with Team 3 SGI/Sangau carried out a rat road Ambusish patrol in the border area of Sempadan Sarawak, Malaysia and finally succeeded in thwarting the smuggling attempt," said Dansatgas Yonarmed 16/TK. And this morning he said again, at around 03.00 WIB the Ambus team saw an unknown person moving towards a ditch that became the border for Indonesia and Malaysia. "Seeing this suspicious thing, the Ambus team gave chase, but unfortunately the person who was suspected managed to escape to Malaysia and left a bag carrying it. After checking the contents of the bag, 10 boxes were found which were suspected of containing total methamphetamine weighing 10 kilograms and several other items," he said. The discovery of this prohibited item has been reported to the Upper Command hierarchically and according to orders for evidence will be collected and submitted to Pomdam XII/Tpr for further examination and handling. Previously, on July 28, the Indonesian-Malaysia Yonarmed 16/Tumbak Kaputing Border Security Task Force (Satgas Pamtas) also arrested a resident of Sa’alas Village, Mempawah Hulu District, Landak Regency, West Kalimantan, with the initials A who tried to smuggle methamphetamine from Sarawak, Malaysia into Indonesian territory. "The suspect was arrested while trying to enter Malaysian territory into Indonesian territory by bringing methamphetamine through an unofficial border route in the Semunying Village area, Jagoi Babang, Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan," said Andreas. Andreas revealed that the suspect with the initials A was arrested because he was proven to have brought five packages of methamphetamine weighing approximately 10 grams. The illicit goods will be brought into Indonesia, but these efforts were prevented by personnel from the Kumba Semunying Pamtas Post. "In the chronology of the arrests, the methamphetamine and the perpetrators were secured when the Task Force personnel carried out patrols on the route prone to smuggling. And, it started with the order of Danpos Kumba Semunying to Serda Viktor P. Siregar and three other members to carry out patrols. deposition," he said. He explained that when the patrol team was in a deposition position, they found the suspect and immediately stopped him. Subsequently, an examination of his luggage was carried out and found a white crystal suspected of being methamphetamine in a plastic package. "The patrol team then secured the evidence and detained the suspect at the Kumba Semunying Post," he said. After being questioned at the Post, he continued, the suspect with the initials A admitted that he bought the 10 grams of crystal methamphetamine in Sarawak Village, Malaysia. Reports regarding this have been submitted to the Upper Command.
"Furthermore, the suspect and evidence were secured at the Jagoi Babang Post to be handed over to the police," he said.

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