
Batam Customs and Excise released 49,463 lobster fry after thwarting an attempt to smuggle the fry at the Nongsapura International Port, Batam City, Riau Islands.

Head of the Batam Sisprian Subiaksono Customs Enforcement and Investigation Division, Subsiaksono, said that tens of thousands of lobster fry that were thwarted by his party were immediately released into the waters of Ngual Island which were witnessed by Batam Fisheries Quarantine officers, and the Batam Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision Base (PSDKP).

"Friday, August 4, we thwarted the smuggling of 49,463 lobster fries, in the afternoon we immediately released them. This release is to keep lobster fry alive. This location was also chosen because they considered unpolluted water conditions and a safe environment for the growth and development of lobster fry," he said when contacted in Batam, Riau Islands, Saturday, August 5.

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