SEMARANG - The Semarang City Education Office (Disdik) emphasized that currently there is no longer a favorite school term and not a favorite. According to him, the current progress of the school depends on the leadership role of the principal.
"In the past there were still (terms, ed.) favorite schools and not favorites. Now this is very dynamic," said Acting Head of the Semarang City Education Office Bambang Pramusinto in Semarang, Thursday, August 3, as quoted by Antara.
According to him, the leadership of school principals or principals actually determines the development and progress of schools, especially in today's times with rapid technological developments.
"It's good whether schools depend on leadership (leading) of the principal (school principal). If the principal is innovative, creative, the school will definitely advance. This will be seen from the education report card," he said.
He said the results of the education evaluation report cards from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology recorded 10 schools with the best rankings, both elementary schools (SD) and junior high schools (SMP).
Based on the results of the education evaluation report card, he said, it turned out that the distribution was evenly distributed, namely not only dominated by public schools, but also private schools. In fact, schools in suburban areas.
"Yesterday it was ranked. Alhamdulillah, the top 10 best elementary and junior high schools have emerged. We are proud that they are varied, not only dominated by public schools, but also private ones," he said.
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Many schools were previously not taken into account because they were in suburban areas, he continued, turned out to be included in the top 10 education evaluation report cards conducted by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
"What I'm proud of is that a large number of suburban schools have also emerged, (schools, ed.) many private schools have received. Now it's a zoning system, with the Merdeka Curriculum. All schools have the same opportunity," he said.
The results of the education evaluation report cards, he said, will soon be published, both through the social media of the Semarang City Education Office, the official website of the Semarang City Government, and the mass media.
Bambang hopes that the results of the education evaluation report cards can motivate other schools, especially from their principals, to improve and develop better.
"The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbudresitek, ed.) there is an education report card that assesses that it was the character education, back to the leadership of the school. We hope this can motivate the village heads," he said.
The schools included in the top 10 include SD Negeri Bubakan, SDN Ngadirgo 02, SDN Ngijo 02, SD Karangkidul, SD PL Bernadus 01, SMPN 8, SMPN 5, SMPN 34, SMP Kristen YSKI, and SMP Kristen Tri Tunggal Semarang.
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