
JAKARTA - A hunger disaster hit Puncak Regency, Central Papua following the drought that hit the area. The government is urged to prepare a long-term solution to overcome the events that occur almost every year.

"It's very sad because behind the rapid development of the times in big cities, there are still our brothers in Papua who are experiencing hunger. This hunger disaster belongs to us together," said Puan, Wednesday, August 2.

"We must not forget our brothers in Papua, mutual cooperation from all parties is needed to help our brothers and sisters who are currently facing the effects of hunger from extreme weather," added the first woman who served as Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

The hunger disaster in Central Papua is caused by a long dry season accompanied by extreme cold weather that causes the area to experience drought. Being behind the mountains of Carstensz, Puncak Regency often experiences drought during the dry season.

As a result of this hunger disaster, 7,500 residents were affected by the hunger disaster, especially those in Agandugume District and Lambewi District. People in the two districts finally fled to the nearest districts with slightly better conditions.

Low temperatures in Puncak Regency due to long drought cause drought to occur so that crops such as tubers cannot grow. Even though tubers are the staple food of the local community so that when they fail to harvest, they have difficulty meeting food needs.

Puan asked the Government to take integrated steps in dealing with hunger disasters that routinely occur in the area. Moreover, this is not the first hunger disaster in Papua where in 1982, hundreds of Jayawijaya residents, Puncak Jaya Regency, also experienced the same thing.

Then in 1984 and 1986, hunger repeated with a large number of deaths. In addition to the events in 2023, the latest disaster occurred in 2022, when four people in Lanny Jaya died from hunger. In Puncak Regency itself, hunger disasters occur almost every year.

The resolution of the problem of hunger in mountainous areas in Papua must be carried out comprehensively. It is not enough just to provide assistance, but also to anticipate that in the future a disaster of hunger can be avoided. The solution must be presented in an integrated manner," said Puan.

"But the problem now is that the terrain and security conditions there are making it difficult to distribute aid. So there must be special intervention so that people immediately get help," he said.

The integrated completion of the hunger disaster in Papua is also needed considering the geographical terrain that is difficult to get to. The easiest and fastest access is by plane.

Even so, not many airlines dare to get off in Puncak Regency because the area is prone to violence from the Armed Criminal Group (KKB). Especially with the hostage-taking of Susi Air pilots by the KKB, which makes airlines afraid to go to the affected districts. Not to mention the recent plane shooting incident.

"Indeed, the conditions are quite compact. Because there are health problems there that must be addressed immediately. Plus security issues that all of them ultimately have an impact on social problems," said Puan.

The former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture also supported security efforts from the TNI/Polri in distributing aid to Central Papuans because BNPB reported a security disturbance from the Free Papua Organization (OPM) when the team headed to the evacuation site for residents to provide assistance. Puan said support from the TNI/Polri could help distribute the detained logistics.

"As a pillar of security guards in Papua, the TNI/Polri must ensure security when aid supplies arrive in Papua. Strive for assistance for residents to immediately arrive and anticipate problems during the distribution process, and make sure the community is safe when receiving assistance," he explained.

Puan supports the Government's efforts, which are currently working massively to overcome drought and hunger in Central Papua. The government has set to increase the emergency response period for drought in Central Papua to two weeks.

With the various problems that exist, Puan encourages the Government to deal with hunger disasters in the Papua region by targeting the root cause of the problem. He hopes that there will be a sustainable solution to the hunger disaster.

This is a very big homework. The government with the support of all elements of the nation must be able to overcome the problem of hunger in Papua. Of course, the DPR will provide support through our functions and authorities," said Puan.

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