TANGERANG - Head of the Tangerang City Social Service (Dinsos), Mulyani said that the Humane Care Foundation belonging to the Pratiwi Noviyanthi program had not been registered.
"It hasn't registered yet, it will depend on which Social Service he wants to register at according to his address," said Mulyani when confirmed, Thursday, August 3.
Furthermore, Mulyani asked Pratiwi to immediately register the Foundation, namely Humanitarian Care Houses that can be accessed online.
"We appeal to him in general, it's been frequent. On our social media there is also registration," he said.
Previously, the Humanitarian Care Foundation recently became public attention. Through a viral video, the foundation owner, Pratiwi Noviyanthi, said that the Tangerang Social Service had forcibly taken the babies he had treated.
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Judging from the video, Pratiwi said that so far he has cared for and cared for children under five from parents who have mental disorders. In the video, Pratiwi claims that so far he and his colleagues have treated the toddlers well. However, he wondered why the Tangerang Social Service took it forcibly.
Information said that the Social Service questioned the legality of the Foundation. Pratiwi received this question clearly and firmly saying that her foundation already has legality. Which means official.
"They asked about our legality, Alhamdulillah our legality exists," Pratiwi said in the video.
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