List 8 School Principals And 2 Disdik Officials Replaced Due To PPDB Problems In Bogor City
Eight school principals in Bogor City are rotated (doc the Bogor City Government)


BOGOR - A number of junior high school principals and officials at the Bogor City Government (Disdik) dirotation. That's the impact of the recent problem of New Student Admissions (PPDB).

Bima Arya rotated at the Bogor City Education Office (Disdik), he hoped that his decision could bring freshness to school leaders in elementary and junior high schools.

"So the rotation this time is learning and improvement of the problems that existed in PPDB yesterday. I use the authority I have to refresh school leaders in junior high and elementary schools," said Bima Arya.

He hopes that his decision can bring freshness to school leaders in elementary and junior high schools.

"Yesterday's PPDB was not carried out properly by administrative verification, barcode scanning, registrant verification, and factual verification in the field, causing many problems," explained Bima.

Bima explained, there were 8 schools that received rotation. The reason is that there are many issues related to the alleged incompatibility of the PPDB registration requirements document.

The following is a list of rotated officials and Kepsek.

1 Warsadi from the Principal of SMPN 1 Bogor City became the Principal of SMP 3 Bogor City2. Endang Mina from the Principal of SMPN 3 Bogor City became the Head of SMPN 8 Bogor City3. Neti Anniati from SMPN 5 Bogor City Teacher became the Head of SMPN 20 Bogor City4. Estiza Septiana from the Head of SMPN 8 Bogor City became the Head of SMPN 1 Bogor City5. Akhmad Bukhori from the Head of SMPN 12 Bogor City became the Head of SMPN 16 Bogor City6. Euis Nurjanah from the Head of SMPN 18 Bogor City became the Head of SMPN 12 Bogor City7. Dwi Nuhayani from the Head of SMPN 20 Bogor City became the Head of SMPN 78 Bogor City 8. Dedi Husnaeni from SMPN 1 Bogor City to the Head of SMPN 6 Bogor City

9. Secretary of Disdik previously occupied by Dani Rahadian is now occupied by Hendres Deddy Nugroho, former 10. Secretary of the Investment and One Stop Integrated Licensing Service (DPMPTSP)11. Head of the Junior High School Division previously occupied by Yosep Berliana is now occupied by Adhitya Bhuana, former Secretary of North Bogor District12. The head of SD, previously occupied by Rudi Suryanto, is now occupied by Raden Medi Sandora, former Head of the Handling of the Poor and Social Security, Social Service.

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