JAKARTA - The DPR warned that there should be no more stories about BPJS Health patients being rejected from the hospital due to the complexity of procedures and any reasons. This is the homework of the Government before planning an increase in BPJS Health contributions in 2025.
"The most important thing right now is how to focus on BPJS services. We all know that there are still recalcitrant hospitals by rejecting BPJS Health patients. Health services to the public must be improved," said Member of Commission IX of the DPR, Rahmad Handoyo, Monday, July 31.
The legislator for the Central Java V electoral district admitted that there was unrest in the community regarding the quota of BPJS Health patients in each hospital which allowed refusal for patients. According to Rahmad, this is a discriminatory step for patients who use BPJS Health.
"The absence of standardization makes patients discriminated against because there should be no refusal of servants for all Indonesian citizens, whether they access services using BPJS, insurance or independent," he said.
From the records of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia, there were 700 complaints in 2021-2022 regarding the National Health Insurance or JKN services. Some of these reports are a matter of rejection related to the quota for health services for BPJS Health participants.
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Rahmad hopes that no more hospitals partnering with BPJS Kesehatan will refuse to provide services for the social security participants. This is also in line with Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health.
"Health is a right for the community that must be fulfilled by the state. So the government must emphasize to every hospital, that it must provide the best service for each patient," said Rahmad.
If there are hospitals that are stubborn, BPJS is asked to give strict sanctions so that it becomes a lesson for others. That way, said Rahmad, a transformation of good, friendly and comfortable health services will be created for every BPJS Health patient.
"If necessary, the sanction is to terminate the cooperation contract with BPJS Kesehatan. This firm action will lead to a positive perception in the community regarding the transformation of health services," he said.
On the other hand, Rahmad reminded that there must be an increase in health services for the community and related to the discourse on increasing BPJS Health contributions in 2025, the main focus is not on contributions, but an increase in health services must be a priority.
"The main thing is to hold on to the government's statement that until 2024 there will be no increase. What is the focus right now is how the focus of BPJS services is. In hospitals it must continue to be improved," said Rahmad.
"Participants of BPJS Kesehatan must be good hosts, hospitals that do not comply with cooperation must be put in order, and there is no longer any reason for hospitals to refuse patients," he continued.
The National Social Security Council (DJSN) estimates that BPJS Kesehatan contributions have the potential to increase in July 2025, following the change in the standard tariff for health services for the Minister of Health Regulation No. 3 of 2023.
This Permenkes regulates the latest tariff standards that replace the old health service tariff standards for both the First Level Health Facility (FKTP) and the Advanced Referral Health Facility (FKRTL) as regulated in Permenkes Number 52 of 2016.
From DJSN's analysis, the BPJS Kesehatan net asset surplus until December 31, 2023, which amounted to IDR 56.50 trillion, could turn negative in 2025. This deficit will appear in August-September 2025, around IDR 11 trillion.
In addition, there is also a calculation of the utility or utilization of BPJS Kesehatan which will increase until 2023, coupled with the extension of the contract between BPJS Kesehatan and the hospital from 2,963 in 2022 to 3,083 in 2024.
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