
SEMARANG Simpang Lima Semarang City, Monday, July 31, looks so crowded. A number of members of the Central Java Regional Police and Kodam IV Diponegoro were seen carrying out security measures. That morning the atmosphere looked tense. Joint members faced hundreds of anarchist protesters.

The crowd carried out a provocation so that road users became afraid and chose to avoid the Simpang Lima area. Right in front of the Louis Kienne Hotel, the crowd set fire and blew up a car, at around 08.30 WIB.

This mass action was finally stopped when the joint forces took measured action. Assisted by Satpol PP, Polda personnel and Kodam also carried out security for several vital objects in the city of Semarang, which are thought to be the targets of mass riots.

A number of provocateurs were arrested, officers also provided assistance to a participant in the action who was injured in the anarchist action

Not only that, three helicopters were also deployed to evacuate a VIP figure right above the roof of the Louis Keinne Hotel.

The tense action that looks real is part of the High-Intensity Security Disturbance Management Exercise Against VIPs During the 2024 Election Stage, which was held by the Central Java Police together with Kodam IV / Diponegoro and the Central Java Provincial Government in the Simpang Lima Area of Semarang City.

Regarding this activity, Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Pol Ahmad Luthfi said this exercise was important to be held ahead of the election, especially in securing Very Import Person (VIP) figures in critical situations or chaos.

"Today the Central Java Regional Police, Kodam IV Diponegoro and the Central Java Provincial Government held joint exercises in the context of securing and dealing with VIPs during the 2024 election," said Inspector General Amad Luthfi in a written statement, Monday, July 31.

The Regional Police Chief said the exercise was carried out to equalize perceptions and SOPs and increase professionalism in the context of securing election stages, especially in the face of high-intensity security disturbances.

"In addition, it is also a form of synergy between the TNI and Polri and the Central Java Provincial Government for the success of the 2024 Simultaneous Elections," continued the Kapolda.

This activity was attended by 1598 joint personnel of the Indonesian National Police and the Central Java Provincial Government. In the exercise, various security measures were simulated to deal with an increase in the escalation of security disturbances.

The Kapolda explained that this joint SOP is to reduce the existence of bureaucracy when there is an escalation of the contingency. Through this exercise, we test the SOP together between the Central Java Regional Police Kodam IV Diponegoro and the Propinsi Government.

Meanwhile, Military Commander IV Diponegoro Maj. Gen. Widi Prasetijono said the simulation demonstrated in this exercise was a small example of the handling carried out by the Indonesian National Police in the event of a high-intestity security disturbance.

"Sinergitas antara TNI Polri dan Pemerintah Daerah di Jawa Tengah sudah dilakukan lama. Tidak ada tentang kerja sendiri, polisi kerja sendiri, pemerintah bekerja sendiri, semua bersinergi dalam menghadapi permasalahan di lapangan," ujarnya.

He hopes that all stages of the 2024 election can run smoothly and so that the sitkamtibmas in Central Java can be maintained.

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