
REJANG LEBONG - The Health Office (Dinkes) of Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province, asked residents of 15 sub-districts in the area to be aware of the spread of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). Head of the Rejang Lebong Health Service, Rephi Meido Satria, said that changing the weather from dry to rainy season will usually lead to an increase in cases of residents affected by dengue fever. "We ask the people of Rejang Lebong to be aware of the spread of dengue fever in their respective areas, so far there have been 28 cases of dengue fever recorded throughout 2023 from January to the end of June," he said when contacted in Rejang Lebong, Antara, Sunday, July 30. He explained that to prevent the spread of dengue fever, residents of the area must carry out a movement to eradicate mosquito nests by mutual cooperation in cleaning water disposal channels, then maintaining environmental cleanliness. He said residents of each sub-district were asked to carry out 3M plus movements, namely draining water reservoirs, closing water reservoirs and burying used goods, which could later become breeding ground for mosquito larvae, and sprinkling abate powder. In addition, his party, he added, has also carried out health promotional activities (promkes) through cadres of larva monitoring interpreters (jumantik) that have been formed at the village/kelurahan level to provide socialization to the community to prevent the spread of dengue fever. Meanwhile, the spread of dengue cases in Rejang Lebong Regency based on reports from 21 health centers spread across the area is known to have 28 cases, and there have been no reports of casualties.
According to him, the most cases of dengue fever were in two sub-districts, namely Central Curup District with 11 cases and East Curup District with 11 cases, while the rest were spread across several other sub-districts.

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