
JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, will raise the issue of gender equality in the Main Session of the ASEAN Parliament or the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA). For Puan, it is important to give a portion to women to be involved in all fields.

"The need to be aware of the equality of access and role for both men and women. On the basis of the principle of equality of degree, in all regions and levels of public life. Especially in decision-making positions, including in the world of politics," said Puan, Wednesday, July 26.

The House of Representatives has held a series of pre-Public AIPA events. One of them is the Coordinating Committee of Women Parliamentarians of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (WAIPA) or Committee for Women Parliament AIPA which was held in Padang, West Sumatra, last June.

The WAIPA trial this time took the theme Enhancing ASEAN Resilience through Women Leadership and Gender-Responsive Parliament. Through WAIPA, ASEAN countries are trying to summarize a more inclusive and resilient joint commitment to women's groups.

WAIPA also promotes women's leadership, empowers women entrepreneurs, strengthens gender-responsive laws, and overcomes gender-based violence. At this WAIPA session, the Indonesian House of Representatives through the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP) raised the issue of formulating the topic of gender equality to fight for the portion of women's involvement in politics.

"The Indonesian DPR encourages the involvement of 30 percent of women in the ASEAN parliament. We will bring the formula initiated at the WAIPA session to the AIPA General Assembly later to be used as a joint resolution in order to create affirmative benefits for women," explained Puan.

"This struggle for gender equality is a common struggle. By involving women in making decisions, it is one of the concrete steps in promoting gender equality at the ASEAN level," continued the first woman to serve as Chair of the DPR RI.

Puan also said that Indonesia is one of the countries in ASEAN that continues to prioritize gender equality. This can be seen from the many important positions filled by women, even sometimes the decision-making process is carried out by women.

"Indonesia is among those who are advanced in gender equality because in Indonesia there is already the first female president, vice president of women, chairman of women's House of Representatives, there are also many women ministers, especially regional heads. Not to mention in non-public service areas, there are so many women who are in charge," said Puan.

"This means that many women in Indonesia have succeeded in proving that they have the capacity and capability as good leaders and are not inferior to men," he continued.

On the other hand, Puan stated that Indonesia continues to encourage the role of women in various fields. Including the representation of 30 percent of women in parliament. This is stated in Article 8 Paragraph (2) of KPU Regulation (PKPU) No. 10 of 2023 concerning the Representation of Women in the Nomination of Members of the DPR, Provincial DPRD, and Regency/City DPRD in the 2024 General Election.

"In the 2024 election, we are also committed to prioritizing the role of women represented by every political party. Thus, the number of women in parliamentary seats is also getting bigger," explained Puan.

Puan realized that the work of women must be doubled from men to be successful in their careers because women have the nature of a mother.

"We must consider female conditions as a privilege. We can be a wife, a mother, as well as a brilliant career. Indeed, we need many attempts. But when it comes to gender, don't consider women unable," said the mother of two children.

Furthermore, Puan said, violence against women is still a scourge in the ASEAN region. Especially in Indonesia itself, according to Komnas Perempuan's records, there were 457,895 cases of violence against women that occurred in Indonesia in 2022.

"And gender equality commitments must also receive support from male groups, which we are grateful for, now many have started to emerge," said Puan.

"With mutual support, gender inequality that makes women always become discriminatory victims, we hope that it can be minimized. One of them is through parliamentary diplomacy like AIPA," concluded Puan.

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