
Sukabumi Police Criminal Investigation Unit conducted an autopsy on the body of Mandala Aditya Pratama (13), a student of SMPN 1 Ciambar, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, who drowned in the Cileuluy River while attending the School Environment Introduction (MPLS) activity, last Saturday.

"The autopsy was carried out today starting at 08.00 WIB until it was completed. This activity is a series of investigations by the Sukabumi Police to reveal the cause of death from the victim," said Sukabumi Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Police Maruly Pardede, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 25.

According to Maruly, the autopsy involved a joint team from the Sukabumi Police Satreskrim, Nagrak Police and forensic doctor at the Sekarwangi Hospital in Cibadak.

The autopsy was carried out at the location where the body of Mandala Aditya Pratama was buried in Selaawihilir Village, RT 02/06, Cibunarjaya Village, Ciambar District. The autopsy was closely guarded by joint personnel from the Sukabumi Police and the Nagrak Police.

The autopsy activity of the body of a class VII student is an attempt by the police to find the cause of death for further investigation to the investigation stage.

"We are handling this case professionally and seriously. The results of this autopsy are very important to reveal the cause of Mandala's death while participating in MPLS activities and to strengthen the investigation," added the Police Chief.

Previously, the police had also processed the crime scene (TKP) at the location where the victim drowned in the Cileuluy River, Selaawi Village, Cibunarjaya Village, Ciambar District, and asked for information from the school and fellow victims who participated in the MPLS activities.

On the other hand, the Police Chief appealed to the public not to trust issues or information that cannot be accounted for and asked all parties to entrust the handling of the student death case in Ciambar to the police.

Mandala Aditya Pratama was found dead in the Cileuluy River while participating in the MPLS organized by the school on Saturday.

The victim had participated in various MPLS activities, ranging from cross-country and eating together with his colleagues. However, after the activity disbanded, Mandala did not come home.

The victim's parents, who were worried, then asked the school about their child's condition and only received news at around 16.00 WIB that Mandala was found dead with the initial suspicion of drowning in the Cileuluy River.

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