JAKARTA - The action of the Rubicon car driver recklessly at Exit Toll 25 Mampang, South Jakarta. It is known that the arrogant driver of the luxury car grazed another car while overtaking through the left lane.
In the video uploaded on the latest Jakarta account, it is explained that the incident occurred on Tuesday, July 18, at morning.
It appears that when the video recorder was driving in his car at the intersection, suddenly a Rubicon car overtook him from the left lane. This also provoked the victim's emotions, so the driver chased the luxury car.
When the victim managed to stop the Rubicon driver. The reckless driver did not want to get out of his car, but immediately left the victim.
Contacted by the Head of PJR Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya, Kompol Sutikno admitted that his party had not yet received a report related to the incident.
"There has been no report yet, that's the one who hasn't made a report to the police. So we haven't handled it yet," said Sutikno when confirmed, Friday, July 21.
Therefore, he asked the victim to report immediately, so that further action could be taken.
"Later, when there is a new report, we (follow up)," he said.
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Meanwhile, the Head of Traffic at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Bayu Marfiando, said he would follow up on the Rubicon reckless car.
"We are following up," he concluded
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