
JAKARTA - A man named Jimy Albert was found dead in the bathroom of the Gate Way Apartment, Jalan Ciledug Raya, Pesanggrahan, Jakarta Satan. The head of the Pesanggarahan Police, Kompol Tedjo Asmoro, confirmed the incident. The incident occurred on Thursday, July 20, at 16.00 WIB.

"That's right, the body of a man was found lying on his back in the bathroom of the apartment room," Tedjo said when confirmed, Thursday, July 20.

"There are no signs of violence. Yes, it is (allegedly due to illness), but to be complete, we are still waiting for the results of the post-mortem," he continued.

Tedjo explained that the chronology of the discovery of the body began with the victim and the witness, Arif Fadillah, who was still communicating by telephone on Tuesday, July 18, at night.

However, the next day, the victim had no news until his family contacted Arif to find out Jimy's whereabouts.

"Then Thursday (July 20) the victim's family contacted witness 2, it turned out that the victim did not come to work and could not be contacted, then checked the victim's room," he said.

Arriving at the victim's apartment room, said Tedjo, the door was locked. An apartment officer was contacted to open Jimy's room.

Officers entered through the next room and coincidentally the window of the victim's room was open.

"Engenerating found the victim in a supine position and was naked in the bathroom and it was estimated that the victim was dead," he said.

On that basis, the witness immediately contacted the Pesanggrahan Police for further action.

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