
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo is scheduled to make a four-day working visit to Bengkulu Province starting from Tuesday-Friday (18-21 July) 2023.

"President Jokowi will visit all regencies and cities in Bengkulu Province," said Secretary of the Bengkulu Provincial Government, Hamka Sabri, quoted by Antara in Bengkulu, Monday.

The visit on the first day, he said, was that President Jokowi from Bengkulu City would leave for Central Bengkulu Regency. Then on Wednesday, the President visited districts located in the southern part of Bengkulu, namely Kaur, South Bengkulu and Seluma regencies.

Next on Thursday, President Jokowi will visit Kepahiang, Rejang Lebong and Lebong Regencies. And on the last day of the visit, he said, President Jokowi visited districts north of Bengkulu, namely North Bengkulu Regency and Mukomuko.

"For the rundown and activities have not been concluded, the presidential advance team is still looking at the locations we proposed, including the matter of lodging," he said.

Bengkulu Province is located on the west coast of Sumatra Island which stretches for 525 kilometers. From Bengkulu City to the southern region of the province, namely Seluma Regency, it takes 1-2 hours to travel by land.

Then, he said, from Seluma to South Bengkulu Regency, it also takes about two hours to travel by land. Or, travel time from Bengkulu City to South Bengkulu Regency is about four hours of land travel.

The distance from South Bengkulu to Kaur Regency also requires about two hours of road travel, or from Bengkulu City approximately 6-7 hours of road travel. The cities of Bengkulu, Seluma, South Bengkulu to Kaur are one straight line on the southern coast of Bengkulu Province.

Then, the northern part of Bengkulu Province, also one straight line on the coast, namely North Bengkulu Regency and Mukomuko.

The distance from Bengkulu City to North Bengkulu Regency takes about three hours to travel by land and is continued to Mukomuko for about four hours on land trips. Or, the travel time for Bengkulu City to Mukomuko is about seven hours of land travel.

Next, the distance from Bengkulu City to Central Bengkulu Regency is about an hour of land travel, if it is continued, about an hour's journey to the northeast will arrive in Kepahiang Regency.

And, he said, if it is continued, about 1-1.5 hours will arrive in Rejang Lebong Regency. At the very end of the northeast, namely Lebong Regency, the access is about two hours from Rejang Lebong, or 4-5 hours from Bengkulu City.

"In some districts, they will use helicopters," said Regional Secretary Hamka Sabri.

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