
A thousand residents named Asep from various regions in Indonesia, including abroad, are ready to gather to establish a friendship and maintain one nation's brotherhood in the "Silaturasep Sajagat in Garut, Intan City" event at RAA Adiwijaya SOR for two days 15-16 July 2023.

"For the Asep association event, it is ready, the number is 1,567 or less," said Vice President of the Asep Dunia Association, Asep Jaelani in Garut as reported by ANTARA, Friday, July 14.

He said that the meeting of Asep's names was in order to maintain the friendship of Asep's fellow names so that brotherhood continued, as well as maintain national unity and integrity.

Thousands of participants named Asep, he said, were based on the confirmation results and had arrived in Garut, namely from Aceh, Kalimantan, Makasar, Banten, Bali, and other regions from all over Indonesia.

In addition to Asep from various regions of Indonesia, he said, the name Asep of Indonesians who live in Saudi Arabia will also be present to gather and stay in touch with the other Asep names in Garut.

"There are those who come from Kalimantan, Aceh, Makasar, Banten, from outside also from Saudi Arabia, now they are in Garut," he said.

Asep said that so far the names of Asep as typical Sundanese have been widely spread in various parts of Indonesia, as well as abroad.

So far, he continued, there are also many Garut people and other areas called Asep who work or live abroad, but related to the confirmation of his new presence from Saudi Arabia, while from other countries there has been no confirmation.

"What has just been confirmed is that he is a Garut person who works there, so all of them go home, if there is no confirmation from other countries," he said.

The purpose of the meeting of Asep's names is to get to know each other, who previously did not know each other, so that brotherhood was created.

In addition to meetings, he continued, there were also other activities such as awarding Asep, as well as social services, namely providing compensation for 210 orphans in Garut, then donating blood, bazaars, and cultural performances.

"The hope of this activity is for friendship, according to the theme of Silaturasep so that it is closer, this event also has social activities, including the compensation of 210 orphans," he said.

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