
North Tapanuli Health Office, North Sumatra, recorded 285 cases of dog bites infected with rabies that occurred in the January-May 2023 period in the area.

"In the period January-May 2023, there were 285 cases of dog bites and resulted in one death," said Head of the North Tapanuli District Health Office, Sudirman Manurung, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, July 13.

It said as many as 221 people among the bite victims required anti-rabies vaccine action, and 64 others were in the observation stage.

Meanwhile, one of the total number of bite victims who had previously also undergone treatment at RSUP H Adam Malik Medan was reported to have died.

"Rabies is very dangerous with a death rate nearly 100 percent after symptoms emerged. This virus can generally infect any mammal and the most frequent are dogs," he explained.

According to him, without regular vaccination, dogs are also at risk of contracting this deadly virus, which attacks the nervous system and causes symptoms such as extreme behavior changes, paralysis, seizures, respiratory failure, and death.

"Therefore, if our pet dogs come into contact with rabies-affected animals, we may be asked to do euthanasia if the dog has never been vaccinated," he explained.

Responding to the high number of cases of rabies dog bites, the Taput Health Office admitted that it had conducted socialization about the dangers of rabies, as well as collaborating with the Food Security Service to vaccinate people's dogs.

"We urge all parties to work together intensely in tackling this incident. We ask the people who own it to immediately vaccinate their pet dogs and remain vigilant on dog bites," he said.

It is stated that currently the anti-rabies vaccine is abbreviated as VAR, which is obtained from the North Sumatra Provincial Health Office, where there is not much distribution for urban districts and only for underprivileged residents.

"There are times when we don't have VAR, so patients are directed to buy their own at the pharmacy," he said.

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