
Spokesperson for the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Affairs (KKP) Wahyu Muryadi emphasized that one of the mandates of PP Number 26 of 2023 concerning Management of sedimentation Results in the Sea is to control the use of sand from marine sedimentation.

The reason is, currently there are a number of reclamation points in Indonesia that are unclear the origin of the reclamation material used.

It's not like now that many reclamation points everywhere don't get material from anywhere. Have we ever cared where theuruganreklamasi material was obtained? KKP found one of the sources from Rupat Island in Riau, so it was immediately stopped," he said, quoted by Antara, Friday, July 7.

Wahu emphasized that through the rules signed on May 15, 2023, the point of collecting sand from sea sedimentation was carried out not arbitrarily by going through the assessment process by the study team.

"The sedimentation point is not arbitrary but after the results (assessment) of the study team from across relevant ministries/agencies, oceanographic and sedimentation experts from leading universities, as well as the local government (Pemda)," he said. Wahyu said, if sand dredging is rejected, then the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono will not give permission to use sedimentation.

If material is found that contains mineral elements, he continued, it will be separated and will become the right of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), while the KKP focuses on sedimentation results that do not contain minerals other than mud and sand.

In the future, all reclamations carried out in the country must use materials from sedimentation. So that the tracing (traceability) of the bahanurugan can be clearly known,

Previously, Indef researcher Nailul Huda stated that the sea sand export in PP Number 26 of 2023 contained in Article 9 paragraph 1 according to him was legally flawed.

"There should be another law that becomes a benchmark or consideration for PP 26 of 2023, there is Law number 1 of 2024 which explicitly states that the prohibition of sand mining that damages the ecosystem of coastal and coastal areas or islands, if we look at it, is legally flawed," he said.

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