
Padang City Government (Pemkot), West Sumatra through the Agriculture Service has prepared 1,500 doses of rabies vaccine in anticipation of the spread of the infectious disease.

Acting (Plt). Head of the Padang City Agriculture Service, Yuliani, said that 1,500 vaccines for Rabies Infectious Animals (HPR) came from the Padang City Regional Budget as many as 1,000 doses of vaccine, while from the State Budget there were 500 doses of vaccine,

His party also carried out sterilization of animals suspected of being exposed to rabies with the aim of controlling the population of rabies-infectious animals.

"A total of 200 are being sterilized because the cost of sterilization is quite expensive," said Yoice, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, July 7.

He stated that his party made various efforts to tackle the HPR case. One of them is by intensifying socialization and vaccination.

It is stated that the vaccination can be obtained free of charge. In addition, his party also held free vaccination services in several areas such as Koto Tangah and Kuranji sub-districts.

"We make sure the vaccination target is right on target by targeting the houses of residents who have many Rabies Infectious Animals," he said.

He said that so far 16 residents of Padang City have been bitten by HPR in 2023 and all victims have not contracted rabies.

"There were no rabies cases found, but there were 16 cases of bites by Rabies Infectious Animals (HPRs). In 2023, 16 cases of bites were found," he said,

The Agriculture Service ensures that vaccination of Rabies Infectious Animals (HPR) must be right on target, so that cases of bite by HPR are no longer found

"Socialization continues to be carried out in addition, HPR vaccinations are also carried out. Mass rabies vaccines will be held in October 2023 at Haji Agus Salim Sports Center," said Yoice Yuliani.

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