
Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, said that the parking attendant (jukir) who asked for a two-time tariff within the Blok M Square area had been fired by the parking service company that employed him.

"Regarding the jukir who carried out levies at the location, the parking operator immediately fired him, there were 2 jukir who were dismissed," said Syafrin in a short message, Friday, July 7.

In addition, the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency also coordinated with the South Jakarta Metro Police to arrest thugs who were illegal parking attendants.

"Yesterday, 2 thugs were arrested who collected parking illegally and are currently being handled by members of the South Jakarta Police," said Syafrin.

In the aftermath of public complaints about the two-time parking rate collection that went viral on social media, the DKI Transportation Agency is now monitoring by placing UP Parking officers at the Blok M Square Command Post Office.

Previously, a netizen with the Twitter account name @BanyuSadewa complained that he was asked to park by a parking attendant inside Blok M. In fact, he had already taken a parking ticket at the entrance.

"Go in, take a parking ticket. Then someone asks for parking money too. Later when you come home, you will pay for parking again. The car is asked for Rp. 10,000 and the motorbike is Rp. 2,000. I swear at most I parked in Blok M," wrote the account.

He stated that the two-time parking fee levy in Blok M Square had been experienced repeatedly, both on motorbikes and cars.

When I came out at the gate, I was told to pay again for the parking fee for Blok M Square of Rp. 6,000. So every time I park in Blok M, it's always like this, it's been more than 10 times," he said.

@BanyuSadewa also told about the incident where he tried not to pay attention to the parking attendant. However, the parking attendant hit his car window and asked for Rp10,000.

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