JAMBI - Police in Jambi arrested three perpetrators of illegal levies (extortion) against coal transport drivers passing through the area.
East Jambi Police Chief Kompol Yumika Putra said the arrest of the perpetrator of extortion was carried out by the East Jambi Police Satreskrim.
"The three perpetrators carried out extortion against coal transportation drivers at Simpang Jalan Baru, Sijinjang Village, East Jambi District, Jambi City," Yumika said, Friday, July 7.
The three perpetrators of extortion for coal transportation drivers are RM, RM and MR. The three extortionists were arrested by the East Jambi Police Satreskrim after receiving reports from the public regarding the existence of extortion at the location.
The beginning of the incident of the victim, who was a woman driving a coal transport truck and crossing the Simpang Jalan Baru, Sijinjang Village, Jambi City on Thursday (22/6) at around 22.30 WIB.
Arriving at the scene, the victim was immediately dismissed by the three perpetrators of extortion and asked the victim for some money.
The victim refused to give the money. But this perpetrator immediately hit the victim in the stomach and damaged the glass of the coal transport vehicle.
As a result, the victim suffered pain in the stomach and bruises on the head.
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In addition to arresting the perpetrators of this extortion, the police also secured a number of evidences in the form of broken glass in coal transportation vehicles and mirrors.
The three perpetrators of extortion are threatened with criminal acts of beatings in accordance with Article 170 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 5 years in prison.
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