
JAKARTA - An elementary school (SD) student in Papua asked President Joko Widodo why the capital was not moved to Papua.

This was conveyed by a student named Kesia Olivia Ergor when the President had an audience with Papuan students at the Cendrawasih Ballroom, Switzerland-Belhotel, Jayapura City, Papua, Friday, July 7.

Reported by ANTARA, during the meeting, the students initially displayed their skills in calculating with President Jokowi.

After that, President Jokowi gave the children the opportunity to ask questions.

Kesia Olivia Ergor then asked the President a question.

"Why doesn't the state capital not just be moved to Papua?" asked the son who came from Sorong City.

"Indonesia is very large, from Papua to Aceh, from Sabang to Merauke, yes, very broad," said President Jokowi.

With this very broad geographical condition, the President explained that the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) was chosen in Kalimantan.

The President conveyed his considerations, among others, because of his position in the midst of Indonesia so that it is close to being accessed from the west, east, north, and south sides of Indonesia.

"If you choose the eastern one, if the capital city is chosen in Papua, the one from Aceh to Papua, if you come here very far, 9 hours from Aceh to Papua by plane, you know that. If you ride a ship for weeks," he said.

The Head of State continued, "So, the capital city was chosen in the middle so that Nusantara was chosen in Kalimantan. In the middle, from the near east, from close Papua, from Aceh is also close, from the north also close, from the south also close. So, chosen in the middle."

President Jokowi also appreciated Papuan students who were considered smart and brave. President Jokowi advised the children to continue their enthusiasm for learning.

"These are the children in Papua who are smart and brave. Both my children, thank you for your presence this morning and everyone's enthusiasm to learn everything, yes, and be careful everyone goes back to their respective homes in their respective districts and cities," said Jokowi.

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