
TANGERANG - Tangerang City Government, Banten Province has prepared Rp188 billion in funds to provide incentives to 19,825 teachers / educators in its area in 2023. Head of the Tangerang City Education Office, Jamaluddin, said that the incentive recipients included 5,792 kindergarten/raudhatul athfal teachers and early childhood education, 220 teachers from the Center for Community Learning Activities (PKBM). Furthermore, 257 special school teachers (SKh), 7,051 elementary school teachers (SD), 1,659 Ibtidaiah madrasah (MI) teachers, 3,796 junior high school (SMP) teachers, and 1,050 tsanawiah madrasah (MTs) teachers. "Each teacher and educator gets an incentive of IDR 650,000 per month for 12 months, which is distributed every three months," he explained in Tangerang, Antara, Tuesday, July 4. According to him, the number of teachers and educators who received incentives from the city government in 2023 was more than in 2022, which was recorded at 19,151 people. Incentive recipients in 2022 include 5,756 kindergarten teachers/raudhatul atthfal and early childhood education, 218 PKBM teachers, 257 SKh teachers, 6,681 elementary school teachers, 1,659 MI teachers, 3,530 junior high school teachers, and 1,050 MTs teachers. Jamaluddin said that the city government allocates a budget every year to provide incentives to teachers and educators to encourage them to improve their performance.
"The hope is that in the future all teachers and educators in Tangerang City will always be able to maintain performance, continue to compete, be more advanced and better," he said. In addition, he said, the provision of incentives is a form of appreciation from the city government to teachers who carry out the task of educating the next generation of the nation.

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