
TANGERANG - South Tangerang Police are still investigating the kidnapping case allegedly carried out by a teacher with the initials GF against his own students with special needs, N (15).

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Tangerang Police, AKP Aldo Primananda, revealed the motive for kidnapping the victim was because he wanted to sell it to someone else.

"Want to sell. This perpetrator was promised money by someone else. But I don't know the nominal yet," said Aldo when confirmed, Tuesday, July 4.

In the action, said Aldo, GF did the action not alone. Therefore, his party is still investigating the kidnapping case because there are other parties involved.

"Based on his statement, he is assisted by people. But based on alibis in the field, he looks like himself," he said.

Regarding the modus operandi carried out, Aldo continued, the perpetrator offered a sum of money to the victim to come with him.

"Initially this child was in a class meeting. Then this child with disabilities was invited out. The perpetrator himself lured the victim with money to join," he said.

Luckily, the action was revealed after the victim's family made a police report at the South Tangerang Police.

Furthermore, the police who received the report immediately moved to arrest the perpetrators in the evening in the Bogor area, West Java, Wednesday, June 21.

"Yes, when we received the report, the field team immediately followed up. Thank God I got it tonight," he said.

The GF has now been arrested by the South Tangerang Police in the Bogor area, West Java.

"The perpetrator has been arrested and has been named a suspect," said Head of Public Relations of the South Tangerang Police, Ipda Galih.

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