
BANDA ACEH - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD stated that the remaining buildings from the conflict related to gross human rights violations, Rumoh Geudong, were not destroyed.

"So nothing was dismantled and disposed of, before it was also just remnants. This is followed up with the rest of the building," said Mahfud MD, in Pidie, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 27.

Mahfud menjelaskan peristiwa Rumoh Geudong ini terjadi tahun1989-1998, sementara Komnas HAM baru memutuskan tahun 2018 bahwa di sini pernah terjadi pelanggaran HAM berat, dan saat itu hanya dikelgurus oleh masyarakat.

During a period of tens of years, the community together with the local government took care of the building, and only in the usual management status.

Mahfud emphasized that the remaining buildings from Rumoh Geudong will continue to be maintained, such as the steps and wells that are still there.

The Rumoh Geudong building had previously been damaged and demolished by the community, namely after the gross human rights violation itself occurred.

Rumoh Geudong will be formed like it used to be, no monuments will be built because if the monument is better it will be established in the national area alone," said Mahfud MD.

On this day, President Jokowi came to the location of Rumoh Geudong Pidie to kick off the settlement of cases of past gross human rights violations non-judicially.

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