
JAKARTA - The government has a special approach in intervening in reducing stunting rates in Indonesia, namely a comprehensive tiered referral system. This has been stated in the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Ministry of Health KMK number HK. 01.07/MENKES/1928/2022 concerning the National Guidelines for Medical Services (PNPK) for Stunting Laksana.

This tiered referral system involves various levels of health services, ranging from health centers, hospitals, to regional public hospitals (RSUD).

Executive Director of Habibie Institute Public Policy and Governance (HIPPG) Widya Aleksmanawati Habibie views the system as the right way to accelerate the reduction in stunting rates.

Because, this system aims to ensure that children with the risk of stunting or who are already stunting get the right treatment and intervention according to their needs.

However, what needs to be emphasized is the need for involvement of relevant stakeholders starting from the central and regional governments, the health sectors, the private sector, the community, and the local community to implement the system.

" Cross-sectoral cooperation in the referral system is needed to save toddlers from stunting. Through close collaboration, the community can create an environment that supports optimal growth and development for each toddler, and ensures a healthier and more quality future generation," said Widya in his statement, Monday, June 26.

For example, the implementation of a tiered referral system in Purbalingga Regency is carried out in collaboration between the government and various stakeholders.

Based on the 2022 Indonesian Nutrition Status Study (SSGI) survey, the prevalence of stunting in Purbalingga Regency is 26.8 percent. This prevalence figure actually rose 10 percent compared to 2021 which was 16.8 percent.

Head of the Purbalingga District Health Office, Jusi Febrianto explained the three layers of intervention, namely, the first intervention is through the provision of milk and eggs in each posyandu.

The second intervention was carried out at the Puskesmas in the form of detection as early as possible before stunting. In the stunting case, additional food (PMT) is given for 2 weeks to 1 month, and corrected. The third intervention is through the provision of processed food for special medical conditions (PKMK), which can only be given from the hospital.

"This method is considered quite effective in reducing stunting. In Karangaren village for 6 months, it can reduce 6% of stunting from 18 percent to 12 percent. It is hoped that if the budget is sufficient, it can be applied to 57 other villages," said Jusi.

Meanwhile in Magetan, according to pediatrician at Sayyidiman Magetan Hospital, Rahma Anindita explained, the government of Magetan Regency in 2023 has budgeted Rp800 million for PKMK purchases to overcome the high number of stunting toddlers

Tata seperti posyandu posyandu pusat rumah sakit itu sudah direplikasi seluruh kecamatan di Kabupaten Magetan sehingga kebutuhan PKMK protein awani setelah semua sadar dengan pentingnya (penanganan) stunting itu akhirnya meningkat tajam, jelasnya.

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