
The residents of Jalan Karang Tengah Village, Sampang District, Cilacap Regency were shocked by the discovery of a mysterious man's body. Residents also gathered around the location of the body, precisely in front of the Central Java Bank Kas Sampang Office, Thursday, June 22.

Cilacap Police Chief Kombes Fannky Ani Sugiharto through the Head of Public Relations of the Cilacap Police, Iptu Gatot Tri Hartanto, said that the discovery of the body was reported to have occurred around 10:00 WIB by a witness who saw the victim lying on the ground as if he was sleeping.

Feeling suspicious of the situation, the witness and a local police officer who had previously been contacted by the witness decided to wake up the victim. However, no response was received from the victim, so they immediately contacted the medical officer from the Sampang Health Center for further examination.

After an examination, the medical officer confirmed that the victim had died. The victim was identified as a man about 45 years old with a height of about 160 cm. He has curly hair and mature sawo skin.

When found, the victim wore a brown blue blue collar, dark blue underwear, and a green jengki bicycle and a bag containing clothes.

Based on the photo received by the editor, the victim, wearing blue pants, was wearing upper clothes. However, the upper body is covered in mud in the rice field area.

Until now, the cause of death of the victim is still a mystery and is currently under investigation by the authorities. The police are working hard to gather evidence and conduct interviews with existing witnesses in an effort to find clues about this tragic incident.

The victim's body has been taken to the Cilacap Regional General Hospital (RSUD) for a post-mortem to determine the cause of death.

Gatot appealed to residents who feel they have lost their family members with these characteristics to contact the Sampang Police and the Cilacap Police.

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