
JAKARTA - English is the most widely spoken language in the world, this language is the mother tongue for more than 400 million people worldwide. English is also the most frequently spoken language, including in the tourism sector.

As an effort to support the government for educational programs and improve English language skills for students in tourism areas, EF Kids & Teens Indonesia provides English Language Training Program for elementary school educators in Super Priority Tourism Area (DPSP) programs such as Mandalika, Samosir, Labuan Bajo, Bromo, Magelang.

After Mandalika, EF Kids & Teens collaborated with the Samosir Regency Youth and Sports Education Office to start the English Language Training Program and was attended by 100 elementary school educators from Samosir Regency.

This opening ceremony was held at SMP Negeri 2 Pangurururan and was attended by the Assistant for General Administration of the Samosir Regency Government, Drs. Waston Simbolon, MM, Head of the Samosir Regency Youth and Sports Education Office, Jonson Gultom, S.Pd, Head of SMP Negeri 2 Pangururan, Enny Juliana Pelita Naibaho, S.Pd., MSI and Director of Corporate Affairs EF Kids & Teens Indonesia, July Simatupang.

In the English Language Training Program, EF Kids & Teens shares a creative and effective fun learning method for educators to convey English language learning materials to students and students. This training program consists of face-to-face workshops and online workshops held for 4 months intensively. There are many learning modules that can be practiced by educators who are easily applied in the teaching and learning process.

EF Kids & Teens Indonesia Country Director, Suryadi Afan, said, as the largest English school in the world, EF Indonesia is committed to participating in advancing education in Indonesia, especially in increasing English mastery skills and developing fun learning methods on an ongoing basis.

"This training program is also not the first time we have done it, previously we have carried out training programs for PAUD educators. In addition, EF has also organized support programs for Young Teachers #T TeacherforTheFuture to various remote areas of Indonesia. Since 2014 until now, EF has sent young teachers to support the development of educators' capacity to several remote areas of Indonesia such as Natuna Regency, Riau, Paser Regency in East Kalimantan, and Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo," he explained in a written statement, Friday, June 23.

Suryadi Afan further said that this year his party is focusing on developing elementary school educators in the Super Priority Tourism Area (DPSP) program areas such as Mandalika, Samosir, Labuan Bajo, Bromo, Magelang.

"Samosir is one of the locations for the educational program this year considering that Samosir has enormous tourism potential with 58 tourist attraction locations. We appreciate the Samosir Regency Youth and Sports Education Office which provides a positive response and synergizes well so that this program can start running today," he said.

Assistant for General Administration of the Samosir Regency Government, Drs. Waston Simbolon, MM said, Samosir as one of the Super Priority Tourism Areas (DPSP) encourages all people to have good foreign education and mastery. Moreover, currently the number of tourist attractions in Samosir has reached 58.

"Education efforts brought by EF really help us support the sons and daughters of Samosir who are getting better in interacting with the world community through English. We hope that this cooperation program can continue to be sustainable and can reach higher education levels. Currently, in Samosir there are around 195 Elementary Schools and 35 Junior High Schools First. Then, we will continue to strive for the readiness of teaching staff in English subjects so that more students master English, "said Waston.

"Hopefully in the future, we can also print a tour guide in Samosir itself and educators can open English language training independently. Therefore, we welcome the program from EF Kids and Teens. We hope that educators who take part in today's training for the next 4 months can become pioneers in English teaching in Samosir," added Waston.

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