
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said confiscated assets were often not maintained due to a long process before auctioning. Thus, every year there is a budget to maintain confiscated goods stored in Confiscated Objects and Looted Goods Storage Houses (Rupbasan).

"The management of confiscated assets continues to the prosecution until the execution takes quite a long time, causing the goods to be poorly maintained," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri in a written statement, Thursday, June 22.

Ali ensured that the treatment of confiscated goods was carried out optimally to prevent damage.

"This makes the selling value at the time of the auction process drop drastically, causing the return of state losses to be less than optimal," he said.

Furthermore, the KPK now has Rupbasan to care for the assets of corruption perpetrators. The use of the building has also succeeded in cutting rental costs and expensive maintenance from third parties.

In the management of the Rupbasan, officers ensure that the goods are maintained by managing them in accordance with applicable procedures. "In its operations, asset checks in Rupbasan are carried out from Monday to Thursday," he said.

The KPK ensures that asset tracing will be carried out every time it handles allegations of corruption. Goods related to corruption will be confiscated to ensure state losses can be returned.

"This is in line with one of the KPK's priority programs in returning assets or asset recovery in accordance with the mandate in the 2019-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN)," said Ali.

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