
The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said the alleged illegal levies (extortion) at the Class I Detention Center in East Jakarta, the Merah Putih building branch, were revealed due to investigations into ethical violations. The Supervisory Board is working on an examination.

"Indeed, this is an examination of the alleged case (of violations, ed) of ethics that is not an alleged extortion. But during the examination, the parties who were questioned submitted (allegations of extortion, ed)," said KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron to reporters, Wednesday, June 21.

From the available information, the KPK Supervisory Board conveyed to the leadership. Furthermore, the investigation, said Ghufron, was held to investigate allegations of extortion.

"So what is conveyed is that everything is once again new which is detected in banking transactions," he said.

The KPK appreciates the work of the Supervisory Board. They are considered successful in finding allegations of internal corruption.

"This is proof that the existence of the Council is very useful in maintaining the dignity of the KPK by maintaining and upholding ethics," he said.

As previously reported, the KPK Supervisory Board found allegations of illegal levies at the KPK Detention Center. The value is fantastic, reaching billions of rupiah and carried out for five months.

"The provisional amount that we have obtained, in the period December 2021-March 2022, is IDR 4 billion," said KPK Supervisory Board member Albertina Ho at a press conference at the KPK C1 building, Rasuna Said, South Jakarta, Monday, June 19.

The amount of money quoted from these detainees can still increase, said Albertina. "It is known that the levy was made in the form of cash deposits, all of which use a third account, and so on," he said.

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