
YOGYAKARTA General elections or simultaneous elections will be held on February 14, 2024. During the campaign period starting from November 28, 2023 to February 10, 2023, election participants are required to comply with the ban on the 2024 election campaign in order to avoid sanctions.

Summarized from various sources, Tuesday, June 20, 2023, here are some of the campaign bans that must be obeyed by election participants so that the campaign can run well and peacefully.

1. Election participants and campaign teams are prohibited from bringing attributes that are not related to elections

The rules regarding the prohibition of bringing attributes that are not related to the most important elections in the General Election Commission Regulation (PKPU) Number 23 of 2018 concerning General Election Campaigns.

Article 45 Paragraph (1) of the regulation explains that campaign officers and participants are prohibited from using attributes such as images, symbols, or flags that are not part of the election participants concerned.

Then, in Article 45 Paragraph (2) it is stated that campaign participants who carry out convoys in motorized vehicles are prohibited from violating traffic.

2. Election participants are prohibited from campaigning in places of worship

Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections (Pemilu) has regulated a ban on election participants to campaign in places of worship, education and government facilities.

3. Campaign implementers are prohibited from giving gifts

This rule is stated in KPU Regulation Number 23 of 2018 concerning General Election Campaigns. Article 51 Paragraph (3) of the regulation explains that campaign implementers are prohibited from giving gifts using the door prize method.

4. Campaign implementers and election participants are prohibited from giving money

Article 69 Paragraph (1) of PKPU No.23/2018 explains the prohibition that should not be carried out by the implementers, participants, and the election campaign team.

In this article, election campaign organizers, participants, and teams are prohibited from disturbing public order and prohibiting giving money to campaign participants.

5. Campaign implementers and election participants are prohibited from inciting and pitting each other against each other

This prohibition is contained in Article 69 of PKPU Number 23 of 2018. The regulation states that implementers and election participants are prohibited:

6. Election participants and campaign teams are prohibited from involving state administrators in the campaign

This rule is stated in Article 69 Paragraph (2) of PKPU Number 23 of 2018. Implementers and/or campaign teams in campaign activities are prohibited from involving:

This is information about the ban on the 2024 election campaign that must be known in order to avoid sanctions. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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