
The Head of the National Police's Security Maintenance Agency (Kabaharkam) Komjen Fadil Imran'sprayed' high-ranking officers (pati) or generals who were deemed undisciplined. Fadil's anger began when he wanted to read very much at the launch of the Indonesian Precision Pioneer Patrol program which was held at the Metro Jaya Police Precision Field. Before starting, the former Metro Jaya Police Chief reprimanded several generals who were sitting in the tent right behind him. However, the cause is unknown. Fadil immediately mentioned discipline. “ There is no point in us practicing if we are not disciplined. You note this. This discipline applies not only to NCOs, but also to Generals,” said Fadil, Wednesday, June 14. According to him, discipline is very important for members of the National Police. If you don't have that attitude, it will certainly cause problems. "There is no point. Trust me. If you are in an undisciplined task, problems will arise," said Fadil.
Meanwhile, several generals were present and how many were behind Komjen Fadil Imran, among others, Deputy Chief of Police Brigadier General Suyudi Ario Seto, Kakorsabhara Baharkam Polri Inspector General Priyo Widyanto, Director of Samapta Corps Sabhara Baharkam Polri Brigadier General Rudi Antariksa, Assistant Chief of Police Inspector General Agung Setya Imam Effendi. Then, all the police chiefs in the jurisdiction of the Polda Metro Jaya were also present.

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