Police officers are still investigating the cause of a mother who has the heart to kill her 5-year-old biological child in Harjomulyo Village, Jember Regency, East Java.
A mother named Maimunah had the heart to kill NJ's youngest child by wounding the victim's neck to death.
After carrying out this action, the victim's mother attempted to commit suicide by wounding her own neck and hands, but the mother was rescued and rushed to the hospital.
"The police have investigated the crime scene (TKP) for the incident and the cause is still being investigated," said Sempolan Police Chief AKP M. Nai as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, June 9.
Based on the information from the victim's family, he continued, the perpetrator MN had experienced depression or acted beyond reason, but this had been going on for a long time and never relapsed again.
"They said it was like a backup, but we are still investigating. The case will be handled directly by the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) of the Jember Police Satreskrim," he said.
اقرأ أيضا:
The chronology of the tragic incident began when the victim and the perpetrator slept in one room on Thursday (8/6) night, then on Friday at around 02.00 WIB the victim's father heard a suspicious sound and rushed to open the bedroom occupied by his wife and children.
"The condition of the room was locked and there was no answer when asked to open the door, so the victim's father forcibly opened the bedroom door and found the victim, whose youngest daughter covered in blood and his wife also suffered injuries," he said.
The victim was already dead, while his mother was immediately taken to the nearest health center for help.
The perpetrator was referred to the Kalisat Regional Hospital (RSD) and is now referred back to Dr. Soebandi Jember Hospital for medical treatment.
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