
The East Aceh Police revealed a fraud case against members of the 2024 Election Voting Committee (PPS) recruitment. One perpetrator was arrested.

"AS was arrested for allegedly deceiving as many as 60 people by promising the victim as if he could take care of or pass during the recruitment of PPS members," said East Aceh Police Chief AKBP Andy Rahmansyah as reported by ANTARA, Friday, June 9.

The alleged fraud was carried out in mid-2022. The incident began when the victim MY (43), a resident of Blang Pauh Sa, Julok District, East Aceh Regency, met with the US.

"The meeting took place at a coffee shop. At that time, the US invited MY to drink at a roadside coffee shop in Kuta Binjei, Julok District, East Aceh Regency," he said.

During the meeting, said the Police Chief, there was a conversation between the US and MY regarding the recruitment of PPS or election organizers at the village level. The recruitment was carried out by the Independent Election Commission (KIP) or the KPU of East Aceh Regency.

AS offered MY, he has a connection at KIP, East Aceh Regency, which can take care of and pass as PPS. Of course, on condition that you have to give some money for management.

To convince, the US promises that if it does not pass the selection exam, the money will be returned. MY is interested in the offer. Then, MY gathered 60 people who took part in the PPS recruitment selection

"Furthermore, MY and 60 other people gave money in varying amounts to the US, ranging from Rp. 2 million to Rp. 3 million. The money was handed over in stages," Andy said.

However, MY and 60 people who have handed over the money have not passed the PPS recruitment selection exam. The promise of refunds if it does not pass, was also not carried out by the US, so MY made a report to the police.

"Now, the US is being held at the East Aceh Police Headquarters for further investigation. The US is suspected of violating Article 378 of the Criminal Code or Article 372 of the Criminal Code with a threat of four years in prison," said Andy.

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