Use Of Devices Lower Children's Reading Interests In Central Bangka
Illustration of children while doing reading activities (ANTARA)


KOBA - Head of the Bureau of Archives and Bangkaan Library of Central Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Irwandi, said that excessive use of gadgets or gadgets can reduce children's reading interest. "This is a challenge for us to grow interest in reading, where in today's era of technology our children play gadgets so that they lower their desire to read books," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, June 8. According to Beben, Irwandi's nickname, that excessive use of gadgets is one of the factors for the decline in reading interest among children, because their time has been drained to play their cell phones. "This cellphone or cell phone really erodes their willingness to read, so it is indeed a tough task to increase public reading interest," he said. "In 2022, the data is not available yet, God willing, tomorrow we will start the survey and the process is only a week, then the data will be processed," he said.

He said that in increasing reading interest, his party had made several efforts such as traveling libraries to schools, village libraries and reading corners. "We regularly carry out mobile libraries and are currently in the process of building a library of four in the hope that public book reading interests will get better," he said.

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