JAKARTA - First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo held a meeting with the wife of Malaysian Prime Minister Dato' Series Dr Wan Azizah during her visit to Putrajaya, Malaysia.
Reported by ANTARA, Thursday, June 8, the meeting was held on the Cruise Cruise Ship Kelah. After being greeted at the official residence in the First Series, First Lady and Dato Series of Dr Wan Azizah together to the Cruise Yasik Putrajaya pier.
The two were reportedly close and hand in hand as they descended the stairs to the pier located on the edge of the lake.
After boarding the Cruise Kelah, First Lady and Dato' Series Dr Wan Azizah then sat on the seat that had been provided, to tour Putrajaya Lake, Malaysia.
During the voyage, the First Lady and Dato' Seri Dr Wan Azizah reportedly chatted casually and warmly while enjoying the view of a number of landmarks in Putrajaya.
اقرأ أيضا:
After sailing around Putrajaya Lake for approximately 1 hour, the First Lady was then invited by Dato's series Dr Wan Azizah to a souvenir shop on the Cruise Tasik Putrajaya dock.
There, the First Lady saw a number of typical souvenirs for Putrajaya, Malaysia, in the shop.
Also accompanying the First Lady at the meeting was the wife of the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Malaysia Sri Rejeki, while Dato' Series Dr Wan Azizah was accompanied by the wife of Malaysian Foreign Minister Datin Seri Saripah.
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