JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) confiscated three luxury cars suspected of being related to the gratification case of the former Head of Makassar Customs Andhi Pramono. This vehicle was found when investigators visited a shophouse in the Batam City area.
"In a separate place found three cars," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters, Wednesday, June 7.
The cars found were Hummer, Toyota Roadster, and mini Morris. "Immediately confiscation will be carried out as evidence in the case," he said.
In addition, investigators also found electronic evidence at Andhi's house. All of these findings were obtained by investigators from a search that was held on Tuesday, June 6 yesterday.
"The house in question is in one of the luxury housing complexes on Jalan Everest in the Sekupang area, Batam," said Ali.
اقرأ أيضا:
As previously reported, the KPK has named Andhi as a suspect in the alleged receipt of gratuities. This determination began after his assets were highlighted by the public until clarification was finally made.
The KPK ensures that the determination of the suspect is in accordance with applicable regulations. Investigators have pocketed evidence of receipts by Andhi.
It did not stop there, investigators had conducted a search of Andhi's house in the Legenda Wisata Cibubur area. From that effort, documents and electronic evidence were found.
Furthermore, the KPK will summon the witness who is suspected of knowing Andhi's actions. Later, he will also be summoned as a suspect and then detained.
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