JAKARTA - The songwriter Sri Krishna Encik sang his work entitled 'Ganjar Siji, Ganjar Kabeh' in the middle of the PDI-P Rakernas III (PDIP). The song was responded to by PDIP Chairman Megawati Soekarnoputri with a smile.
Encik came to the PDIP DPP Party School, Lenteng Agung, Jakarta, with senior culturalist, Butet Kertaradjasa. Butet first introduced him to Megawati and the party elite before singing.
"Tengji, tengbeh, banteng sinji banteng kabeh (teng satu banteng satu banteng semua). Jarji, jarbeh, Ganjar siji, Ganjar Kabeh (Ganjar satu, Ganjar semua)," encik chanted in his song, Wednesday, June 7th.
"Ganjar everywhere, Ganjar was indeed charming, until we were fascinated, finally had to go there," continued the poem sung by the game-haired man.
Hearing this song, Megawati smiled happily while the other cadres who accompanied her, namely the Chairperson of the PDIP DPP Puan Maharani and Prananda Prabowo, also enjoyed it. Meanwhile, PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto and PDIP Deputy Secretary General Ericko Sotarduga occasionally shake their hands and head.
Encik continued to sing until he changed Ganjar's name to several names of several PDIP elites, including Puan. Megawati's name was also sung by the artist.
"Here is Mrs. Mega. Mrs. Mega is our chairman. She is indeed wise. We all support her. Maji, mabeh, Mega siji, Mega Kabeh," read the song sung by Encik which was greeted by Megawati's laughter and all ranks of the PDIP DPP.
اقرأ أيضا:
After hearing Encik sing, Megawati appreciated and reminded the importance of intellectual property rights (HAKI) for artists. Works such as 'Jarji, Jarbeh, Ganjar Siji, Ganjar Siji' must be patented because many have not done it.
"There are still many of our artists who are so innocent, and not only artists but the people who have made (work, ed), present the results. Because they are innocent, they don't know because there is his copyright," Megawati said on the same occasion.
By patenting his work, there are many benefits that can be taken by artists. "Because if someone wants to buy, borrow, use it, legally those who have that right, must get royalties, that big picture," said the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia.
Setelah mendapat hak paten, Mega berharap para artis atau pencipta karya tak menjualnya. "Karena kerugiannya menurut saya lebih besar," ujarnya.
After talking about this, Megawati then handed over the HAKI certificate issued by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (HAM) to Encik. They also took a group photo.
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