
MATARAM - Mataram City Police, West Nusa Tenggara, revealed the role of three former police officers involved in the interprovincial narcotics trafficking syndicate.

The head of the Mataram Police, Kombes Pol. Mustofa, said that the three former police officers had the initials IB, IGK, and LS who live in Mataram City.

"They were recorded to have been dismissed from the police in 2022 and 2023. Some were fired while on duty in the Sumbawa area and also Bima," said Mustofa, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 6.

Head of the Narcotics Investigation Unit (Satresnarkoba) of the Mataram Police AKP I Made Dimas Widyantara also explained that his party arrested the three former police officers last Sunday from a series of raids in a number of locations.

"Initially, we carried out arrests at the first location around the elite housing area in the Bug-bug area, West Lombok," said Dimas.

From the first location, he said, the police arrested a man with the initials IG with evidence of one pocket of methamphetamine weighing 11 grams.

The results of the interrogation in the field, IG admitted that he got goods from a man with the initials IS who was revealed to be in the Mayura area, Mataram City.

"This second location we managed to arrest IS along with three former police officers," he said.

From the arrest of IS, it was revealed that the items in the form of white crystals came from a woman with the initials AS, from Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi.

"AS was arrested in a boarding house in the Sapta Marga area, Mataram," he said.

During the arrest of the US, the police also arrested EA, IM, and a woman with the initials AP.

From the interrogation, the US admitted that it was he who gave the goods to IS. The goods were obtained by AS from Jakarta weighing 100 grams.

"His confession (US), he took it and brought it himself from Jakarta. Arriving in Mataram, he broke it and gave it part to IS," he said.

From the disclosure of this case, Dimas assured that his party was still continuing to develop related to the origin of the US getting goods in Jakarta.

"He said (the US) did not know the person where he took the goods in Jakarta. Because he took them from the place he was told, he did not meet the giver," he said.

However, from the preliminary results of the investigation, it was revealed that the person who gave the goods to the US controlled it from Malaysia. The US admits that it will get Rp15 million in wages if the 100 grams of crystal methamphetamine is sold out.

Furthermore, Dimas emphasized that from this case there were nine perpetrators involved in the syndicate of inter-provincial narcotics trafficking.

From the preliminary results of the investigation, he stated that some of them were already suspects. They are IG, IS, AS, IB, and IGK.

The determination as a suspect is in accordance with the application of the alleged Article 112 paragraph (2) and/or Article 114 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

"What is clear is that two of the three former police officers have been named as suspects. The others are still under investigation of criminal elements," he said.

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