JAKARTA - Google has again added Artificial Intelligence (AI) to its product line, Gmail. Make it easier for users to find the most relevant search results first, followed by other results in chronological order.
This feature will work by utilizing machine learning models, when the user opens the Gmail and taps on the search bar to search for certain emails, the app will bring up the top results based on several factors.
Such as search terms, the latest emails, and placing them at the top of the list. The email will be labeled Top Results that can help users quickly, without having to browse the long list.
Meanwhile, other relevant emails will follow under the special section, followed by all the results sequenced by the latest email.
Gmail will display two relevant results in this section, so users can identify emails that best match their query so users can focus on the first.
Part khusus itu diikuti oleh bagian semua hasil, dengan email terbaru di prioritas. Jadi, jika pengguna tidak menemukan apa yang dicari di bagian Hasil Teras, mereka dapat mengulir ke bagian semua hasil dalam email.
The new search feature will start rolling out today, for Google Workspace subscribers and personal Google accounts. However, the company said it would take up to two weeks to appear in the Gmail app.
It should be noted that there is no admin control for this feature so the admin does not need to activate it for the Workspace account. This feature should start working after its launch to the app. This is quoted from Android Central, Saturday, June 3.
The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)