JAKARTA - PAN Chairman Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas) admitted that his party could not decide whether to support Ganjar Pranowo as a presidential candidate in the 2024 election, although today he has met with PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri.
According to Zulhas, PAN will still have internal discussions to ensure certainty of support for the presidential and vice-presidential candidates. Then, PAN will also hold another meeting with PDIP.
"This is the first time we have officially met like this, therefore we discuss many things, understand each other, understand each other because this is the first time, of course we will discuss it in PAN and we will hold further meetings because Mbak Mega has made a team," said Zulhas at the PDIP DPP Office, Friday, June 2.
Continuing, Megawati also invited PAN to consider carefully regarding the possibility of forming a coalition with PDIP to support Ganjar or not. Along with that, Megawati said that PDIP would turn around to visit PAN's headquarters for the follow-up meeting of the two political parties.
"Of course, because this is the first meeting, I have said earlier, please from the PAN after the first meeting will discuss internally, so I say please," said Megawati.
"Only later will I visit the PAN DPP office because that's my order at the time that PPP Ms. Puan, because it's close, right. So Ms. Puan and the team I said, will also stay in touch with the PAN DPP office," he added.
After the meeting, Deputy Chairperson of the PAN DPP Yandri Susanto explained that his party was still considering the two figures to be promoted in the 2024 presidential election, namely Ganjar Pranowo as a candidate for PDIP and Prabowo Subianto as Gerindra presidential candidates.
"Everyone remains in communication. It hasn't narrowed yet, right, between Ganjar and Prabowo. Not yet. Internally the party is still very strong, Airlangga-Zulhas is still alive. So, there is no agreement yet. So, there needs to be a follow-up meeting," said Yandri.
What is clear is that PAN has now solidified their choice in carrying out the vice presidential candidate, namely SOE Minister Erick Thohir. "Yes, the presidential candidate is between Ganjar and Prabowo. Of course we encourage Mr. Erick Thohir as vice presidential candidate," added Yandri.
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