Head of the Information Center of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Benni Irwan, said that there were 17 governors whose term of office ended from September 2023.
"A total of 17 governors will end their term of office starting in September 2023," said Benni as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 31.
He explained that the governors consisted of ten governors whose term of office ended in September 2023, two governors in October 2023, and five governors in December 2023.
Ten governors whose term ends in September 2023 are the Governor of North Sumatra (Gubsu) Edy Rahmayadi, Governor of West Java Ridwan Kamil, Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo, Governor of Bali Wayan Koster, Governor of West Nusa Tenggara Zulkieflimansyah, Governor of East Nusa Tenggara Viktor Laiskodat.
Then the Governor of West Kalimantan Sutarmidji, the Governor of South Sulawesi Andi Sudirman Sulaiman, the Governor of Southeast Sulawesi Ali Mazi, and the Governor of Papua (unactive) Lukas Enembe.
Then, the two governors whose term ends in October 2023 are the Governor of South Sumatra Herman Deru and the Governor of East Kalimantan Isran Noor.
Furthermore, in December 2023, the five governors whose terms ended were Riau Governor Syamsuar, Lampung Governor Arinal Djunaidi, East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa, Maluku Governor Murad Ismail, and North Maluku Governor Abdul Gani Kasuba.
اقرأ أيضا:
Benni conveyed that based on the laws and regulations, the governors of Riau, Lampung, East Java, Maluku, and North Maluku would end their term of office in December 2023, even though they were sworn in in 2019.
"This has been regulated in Articles 201 paragraph (4) and (5) of Law (UU) Number 10 of 2016 concerning the Election of Governors, Regents, and Mayors," he said.
Article 201 paragraph (4) of Law 10/2016 stipulates that simultaneous voting in the election of governors and deputy governors, regents and deputy regents, as well as mayors and deputy mayors whose term ends in 2018 and 2019 will be held on the same date and month in June 2018.
Next, Article 201 paragraph (5) states that governors and deputy governors, regents and deputy regents, as well as mayors and deputy mayors as a result of the 2018 election will serve until 2023.
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