
YOGYAKARTA – State Civil Apparatus (ASN) can smile happily. This is because the Ministry of Finance (Ministry of Finance) has ensured that the 13th salary for ASN will be disbursed soon. The salary disbursement is contained in Government Regulation (PP) Number 15/2023 concerning the Provision of Holiday Allowances and the Thirteenth Salary to State Apparatuses, Pensioners, Pension Recipients, and Allowance Recipients in 2023. Then how much is the 13th salary of civil servants?

Schedule and Amount of Salary of the 13th Civil Servants

The schedule for disbursing the 13th salary of 2023 civil servants will begin in June 2023. This salary payment will help government employees meet the educational needs of their children, which is in the same month coinciding with the new school year.

The Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani explained that the salary for the 13 civil servants was the same as the 2023 ASN THR previously obtained. Referring to PP No. 15 of 2023, the 13th salary taken from the APBN consists of several components, namely basic salary, family allowance, food allowance, position allowance or general allowance, and 50 percent performance allowance (tukin).

Meanwhile, the 13th salary component taken from the APBD consists of basic salary, family allowance, food allowance, position allowance, or general allowance. Civil servants also receive an additional income of up to 50 percent received in one month for regional government agencies that provide additional income by taking into account the regional fiscal capacity and in accordance with the provisions of the law.

It should be noted that for teachers, both teachers and lecturers, whose salary comes from the State Budget and does not receive a performance allowance, they will be given 50 percent of the teacher's professional allowance or 50 percent of the lecturer's professional allowance that they receive in one month.

That is, the amount of the 13th salary is the amount of 1x the basic salary plus various allowances attached to the salary.

That is the 13th salary of the civil servant in 2023. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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