Five Names For Depok Mayor Candidates Considered By PKS
Photo Illustration: Antara


JAKARTA - DPD PKS Depok City, West Java considers five candidates for the candidate for Mayor of Depok to replace Mohammad Idris in the 2024 simultaneous Regional Head Election (Pilkada).

"At least five names have entered the Depok PKS radar for consideration and are being explored as candidates for the next Depok Mayor," said Head of Public Policy for the Depok PKS Regional Advisory Council (MPD), Qurtika Wijaya, Antara, Sunday, May 28.

Qurtifa explained that the emergence of the five names was not without reason or consideration within the Depok PKS.

There are also five names of candidates for the Mayor of Depok for the 2024 Pilkada Qurtika Wijaya mentioning the first Imam Budi Hartono.

"Pak Imam Budi Hartono currently serves as Deputy Mayor of Depok. Second is Mrs. T. Farida Rachmayanti, third is Moh. Hafid Nasir, fourth is Khairulloh Ahyari, the three are members of the Depok DPRD from the PKS faction, and the fifth is Supian Suri, who currently serves as Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Depok City," said the man who is also a candidate for legislature at the West Java Province level.

Qurtika Wijaya further said Imam Budi Hartono had experience in the legislature both in the Depok DPRD and the West Java DPRD.

Then experience in the executive who now serves as Deputy Mayor of Depok.

"In terms of experience and capacity (Imam Budi Hartono) there is no doubt," said Qurtifa Wijaya.

Meanwhile, T. Farida Rachmayanti, is a member of the Depok DPRD who has served three terms and currently holds the mandate as Deputy Secretary General of the PKS DPP.

"Mrs. Opi ( Farida Rachmayanti's nickname) is widely known in society as an active, aspirational and persistent person who fights for the interests of the community, especially the interests of women. It is interesting if in the future Depok City is led by the Mayor of a woman," he said.

Apart from that, Moh. Hafid Nasir, besides being a member of the Depok DPRD.

Currently serving as Head of Regional Development Division (BPD) 5 DPW PKS West Java which includes Depok and Bekasi areas.

Hafid has also served as General Secretary (Sekum) and Chairman of the Depok PKS DPD.

"In the 2020 Depok Pilkada, Hafid Nasir's name was included in one of the strong exchanges for Deputy Mayor of Depok accompanying Idris Abdul Shomad, but PKS finally set IBH," he said.

Meanwhile, Khairulloh Ahyari, apart from being known as a member of the Depok City DPRD, currently also serves as General Secretary of the Depok City MUI.

"Although there has only been one period as a member of the council, Khairulloh's actions as a PKS cadre both in the political and social religious arenas are unquestionable," said Qurtika Wijaya.

Finally, Supian Suri, received attention from PKS because he was considered to have a lot of flying hours and was already experienced in the bureaucracy.

So far, as the Regional Secretary of Depok, Supian Suri has also been able to cooperate well with the Mayor and Deputy Mayor who were promoted by PKS.

However, he said, in the PKS tradition, the determination of the name of the regional head candidate must go through a mechanism that has been determined by the party.

"Where is the selection stage and tiered assessment from the DPD, DPW and finally the DPP by paying attention to the aspirations of cadres, party administrators as well as the results of surveys related to popularity and electability," he said.

Therefore, he said. the process will run dynamically and it is still possible that new names or other names will appear outside the names mentioned above.

"We'll just have to wait," he concluded.

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