
The General Election Commission (KPU) officially inaugurated 106 KPU members from 20 provinces in Indonesia for the period 2023-2028.

"Before I take the oath, I want to ask, are you willing to take the oath?" asked the Chairman of the Indonesian KPU Hasyim Asy'ari who led the inauguration ceremony at the Indonesian KPU Office, Central Jakarta (Jakpus), Wednesday, May 24, which was confiscated by Antara.

The candidates for members of the regional KPU also simultaneously agreed to take the oath.

"Ready," replied the elected candidate members for the provincial KPU.

For three provinces, namely DKI Jakarta, Banten, and South Sulawesi, there are seven each; while there are five other 17 provinces each.

The inauguration of the provincial KPU members was carried out in the midst of the stages of holding the 2024 Simultaneous General Election (Pemilu).

Hasyim asked the KPU members to fulfill their duties and obligations as well as possible in accordance with the laws and regulations and are guided by Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

"That in carrying out my duties and authorities, I will work seriously, honestly, fairly, and carefully for the success of the general election of members of the House of Representatives, the Regional Representative Council, the president and vice president, the Regional House of Representatives, and the election of governors, regents and mayors, for the sake of upholding democracy and justice, and prioritizing the interests of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia rather than personal or group interests," said Hasyim while leading the reading of his oath.

He also reminded that the provincial KPU members can adapt quickly, obey the ethical guidelines of election organizers, including in their daily lives, so that they can maintain the independence of the election organizers, especially the KPU.

"We hope that the legislation, the code of ethics for election organizers, will serve as daily guidelines so that we do not deviate, are not easily tempted, and are not easily influenced by various parties who do not comply with the provisions of the law," he added.

Then, Hasyim asked them to immediately communicate with all stakeholders, the Central KPU, to the regency and city KPU as soon as they started serving. According to him, communication with party leaders at the provincial, community and media levels is also important.

"This is something important. We also interpret adapting this to the stages that we are currently working on," said Hasyim.

Based on the official memorandum issued by the Secretary-General of the KPU Number 122/TU.01.01/SJ/2023, there are 20 provincial KPU members and 116 district and city KPU members whose terms of office expire in 2023.

In addition to releasing KPU members whose term of office expires in 2023, the KPU also inaugurated KPU members for the new province in Papua.

The following is a list of 20 selected KPU members in 20 provinces:

1. Bengkulu Province KPU: Alpin Samsen, Dodi Hendra Supiarso, Emex Verzoni, Rusman Sudarsono, and Sarjan Efendi2. Jambi Province KPU: Edison, Fahrul Rozi, Iron Sahroni, Suparmin, and Yatno3. KPU West Sumatra Province: Hamdan, Jons Manedi, Medo Patria, Ory Sativa Syakban, and Surya Efitrimen4. Riau Islands Province KPU: Ferry Muliadi Manalu, Indrawan Susilo Prabowoadi, Jernih Millyati Siregar, Muhammad Sjahri Papene, and Priyo Handoko5. KPU Bangka Belitung Islands Province: Deni, Hartati, Husin, Muslim Ansori, and Yuli Restuwardi6. Banten Province KPU: A. Munawar, Aas Satibi, Ahmad Suja'i, Akhmad Subagja, M. Agus Muslim, Mohamad Ihsan, and Muhamad Ali Zaenal Abidin7. KPU DKI Jakarta Province: Astri Megatari, Dody Wijaya, Fahmi Zi Verah, Irwan Supriadi Rambe, Muhammad Tarmizi, Nelvia Gustina, and Wahyu Dinata8. KPU West Kalimantan Province: Heru Hermansyah, Kartono Nuryadi, Muhammad Syarifuddin Budi, Suryadi, and Syarifah Nuraini9. KPU South Kalimantan Province: Andi Tenri Sompa, Arif Mukhyar, M. Fahmi Failasopa, Nida Guslaili Rahmadina, and Riza Anshari10. Central Kalimantan Province KPU : Dwi Swasono, Harmain, Sastriadi, Tity Yukrisna, and Wawan Wiraatmaja11. North Sulawesi Province KPU: Awaluddin Umbola, Kenly Meydy Poluan, Lanny Anggriany Oitung, Meidy Yafeth Tinangon, and Salman Saelangi12. Central Sulawesi Provincial KPU: Christian Adiputra Oruwo, Darmiati, Dirwansyah Putra, Nisbah, and Risvirenol13. West Sulawesi Province KPU: Asriani, Budiman Imran, Elmansyah, Said Usman Umar, and Supriadi Narno14. Southeast Sulawesi Provincial KPU: Amirudin, Asril, Hazamuddin, Muhammad Mu'min Fahimuddin, and Suprihaty Prawaty Nengtias15. KPU South Sulawesi Province: Ahmad Adiwijaya, Hasbullah, Hasruddin Husain, Marzuki Kadir, Romy Harminto, Tasrif, and Upi Hastati16. KPU Gorontalo Province: Fadliyanto Koem, Hendrik Imran, Opan Hamsah, Risan Pakaya, and Sophian M. Rahmola17. Central Papua Province KPU: Indra Ebang Ola, Jennifer Darling Tabuni, Marius Telenggen, October Takimai, and Sepo Nawipa18. KPU Papua Province Mountains: Ansar S, Daniel Jingga, Melkianus Kambu, Naftali Emanuel Paweka, and Theodorus Kossay19. KPU South Papua Province: Alasn Markus Kambu, Daniel Ndiwaen, Helda Richarda Ambay, Jufri Toatubun, and Theresia Mahuse20. KPU Southwest Papua Province: Alexander Duwit, Andarias Daniel Kambu, Fatmawati, Jefri Obeth Kambu, and Muhamad Gandhi Siradjudddin

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