
JAKARTA - Secretary of the Supreme Court (MA) Hasbi Hasan fulfilled the summons of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) today, Wednesday, May 24. He will be questioned as a suspect in the bribery case for case management.

Hasbi arrived at the KPK's Red and White Building at 09.57 WIB. He appeared in a white shirt and wore a dark blue jacket.

When he arrived, he appeared to be accompanied by a lawyer. Hasbi did not say much before entering the building.

"Later, yes, later," Hasbi told reporters at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta.

Apart from Hasbi, the KPK has also scheduled a summons for the former Commissioner of PT Wika Beton, Dadan Tri Yudianto. He will also be questioned as a suspect.

Hasbi and Dadan were supposed to be questioned as suspects on Wednesday, May 17. However, Hasbi wrote to the anti-corruption commission asking for a postponement.

Previously, Hasbi's involvement was detected by the KPK after his name was mentioned in the indictments of Theodorus Yosep Parera and Eko Suparno who are lawyers. Mentioned, he helped in managing the case in the Supreme Court with the intermediary Commissioner of PT Wika Beton Dadan Tri Yudianto.

Meanwhile, in the case of bribery in case of case management, 15 suspects have been named. They are Judicial Judge Edy Wibowo; Supreme Court Justice Gazalba Saleh; Judicial Judge Prasetio Nugroho; and Gazalba staff, Redhy Novarisza.

The other suspects, namely Supreme Court Justice Sudrajad Dimyati; Judicial Judge or substitute clerk Elly Tri Pangestu; two state civil servants (ASN) at the Kepanteraan MA Desy Yustria and Muhajir Habibie; as well as two ASN in the Supreme Court, Nurmanto Akmal and Albasri.

Then, lawyers Yosep Parera and Eko Suparno as well as debtors of Intidana Heryanto Tanaka Savings and Loans Cooperatives Debtor Ivan Dwi Kusuma Sujanto were also named as suspects.

Finally, the KPK also appointed the Chairman of the Sandi Karya Hospital Foundation (RS) Makassar (SKM), Wahyu Hardi. He is suspected of giving Rp3.7 billion to Edy Wibowo so that the hospital is not declared bankrupt at the cassation level

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