
JAKARTA - PDI-P (PDIP) Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto revealed that Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka will hold a big event with Ganjar Pranowo's presidential candidate (candidate).

This was conveyed by Gibran after providing clarification on his meeting with the Minister of Defense and General Chair of the Gerindra Party Prabowo Subianto in Angkringan Omah Semar, Jajar Village, Laweyan District, Surakarta City, Central Java, on Friday night (19/5).

"Then, even (Gibran) told me that I would also hold a joint event with Pak Ganjar Pranowo with a much larger mass," said Hasto at the PDIP DPP office, Central Jakarta, Monday, May 22.

According to him, the event will invite a larger crowd as part of the party's responsibility to continue to move with the people.

"As part of the responsibility of the party that continues to move for the people," he said.

Hasto sees that Gibran also fully supports the PDIP's decision to carry Ganjar Pranowo as a candidate for presidential candidate to contest the 2024 General Election, so there is no bargaining to support the presidential candidate from other parties.

"So, as a party cadre, it is upright in the decisions of the PDI-P DPP. Moreover, yesterday he also stated that he had attended a party school, which had been trained by the PDI-P, so that these tasks would be carried out as well as possible," said Hasto.

Even so, said Hasto, the PDIP DPP did not set sanctions but only gave some advice to Gibran regarding his meeting with Prabowo.

"We have been given advice. We have participated in mutual cooperation, deliberation parties, there are different. Earlier, Mr. Komar (Komarudin Watubun), gave an explanation, if it was a senior party, then did not understand the orders of the general chairman, party policy was another problem," said Hasto.

Meanwhile, Gibran explained that he had explained the chronology of his meeting with Prabowo Subianto.

"I have explained the chronology from A to Zter regarding yesterday's meeting and Alhamdulillah, he can understand that," said Gibran.

He also thanked all party elites who had given advice and he also emphasized that they would remain upright with the policy of PDI-P General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri regarding the 2024 presidential election.

"Once again, thank you for the input and advice, and once again as a cadre of the PDI-P, as a young cadre, I will remain upright in accordance with the direction of the general chairman," said Gibran.

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